Copyright 1987-2025
David Cameron

Passing the days

Between 2007 and 2010 I worked in an office, my first real office job ever. It was pleasant but uneventful.

Passing, when every day is like yesterday

. I am just a man, a man who lives this life, I am ordinary. I work in a 9-5 job to earn a living. This is a necessity, the reality of life for the majority of our population. I have creative aspirations, but my reality does not allow me to fulfill them.

Passing examines my intersection between the passing of time and life within a toutine existence. It represents a waste of ones life. It represents real life.

Passing is a project which investigates my relationship with my working existence, it is in part a justification that allows me to come to terms with and accept this reality. This project is my excuse, I can continue to spend years sitting at the same desk, completing the same tasks and looking at the unchanging view. I justify this waste with this study.

I have been compiling the Passing series since sometime in late 2007, and plan to continue whilst this employment lasts, it may become a long 10 year project! 

Each individual image is made of 3 exposures, which are captured within a single month. The three exposures, all are taken during real moments in time where often nothing is happening.

• The commute to work, passing the chevron sign on at Junction 11 on the M11.
• A brief moment of freedom I get during the working day, lunch. Tesco Extra, Royston.
• In the afternoon I take a moment to look at the view from my desk.